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Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are very common in childhood. Although UTIs are usually easy to treat with antibiotics, they can be very uncomfortable for your child. If your child keeps getting UTIs then it can be sign there is an underlying cause that needs to be addressed.

What Are Urinary Tract Infections?

Urinary Tract Infections or UTIs are infections that occur anywhere along the urinary tract. The urinary tract includes the kidneys that produce urine, the ureters that carry urine out of the kidneys, the bladder where the urine is stored, and the urethra that carries urine out of the body. If bacteria get into the urinary tract then they can cause an infection. The symptoms will usually be worse when the infection is higher up in the urinary tract, in the ureters or kidneys. However, it is more common for a UTI to occur in the lower urinary tract because the bacteria usually enter the body through the urethra.

Signs of Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections can be hard to spot, especially in young children. The symptoms are often mild, but they can be very severe, especially when the upper urinary tract is affected. If the kidneys are often affected by UTIs then it can damage them and prevent them from functioning properly. An untreated infection could also lead to sepsis, which can be life threatening.

Possible signs of UTIs in children include:

  • fever
  • bad smelling urine
  • pain in the back, side, or abdomen
  • needing to urinate more often than usual
  • needing to urinate more urgently than usual
  • urinary incontinence or accidents
  • pain when urinating

Causes of UTIs in Children

Urinary infections are usually caused by bacteria, which means it is possible to treat them using antibiotics. Bacteria can enter the urinary tract through the urethra and cause an infection. The bacteria can travel through the urinary tract to reach the bladder or kidneys.

UTIs are very common in children, especially if they are still in nappies or haven't learned to wipe themselves thoroughly. Infections can easily occur if faeces reaches the urinary tract as it will often contain bacteria that can cause problems. Girls can be more likely to develop UTIs because it is very easy for faeces to reach the urethra if they aren't wiping front to back. However, boys can develop UTIs too.

Treatments for UTIs

Most UTIs can be treated with a short course of antibiotics. It is important to ensure that your child takes the full course of antibiotics as directed by the doctor. Even if your child starts feeling better, you should complete the full treatment to ensure the infection is cleared.

If your child often experiences UTIs then there may be an underlying problem that requires additional treatment. You should seek advice from a specialist if your child often has symptoms of UTIs. Urinary infections can be very uncomfortable and can even cause serious complications, especially in young children. The right treatment could prevent UTIs from coming back in the future.


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